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⚡ Actions

Actions are core building blocks in Eliza that define how agents respond to and interact with messages. They allow agents to interact with external systems, modify their behavior, and perform tasks beyond simple message responses.


Each Action consists of:

  • name: Unique identifier for the action
  • similes: Array of alternative names/variations
  • description: Detailed explanation of the action's purpose
  • validate: Function that checks if action is appropriate
  • handler: Implementation of the action's behavior
  • examples: Array of example usage patterns


interface Action {
name: string;
similes: string[];
description: string;
examples: ActionExample[][];
handler: Handler;
validate: Validator;
suppressInitialMessage?: boolean;


Built-in Actions

Conversation Flow


  • Maintains conversation when more context is needed
  • Manages natural dialogue progression
  • Limited to 3 consecutive continues


  • Gracefully disengages from conversations
  • Handles:
    • Inappropriate interactions
    • Natural conversation endings
    • Post-closing responses


  • Default response action
  • Used for standard conversational replies

External Integrations


  • Records trading/purchase orders
  • Processes user conviction levels
  • Validates ticker symbols and contract addresses
const take_order: Action = {
name: "TAKE_ORDER",
similes: ["BUY_ORDER", "PLACE_ORDER"],
description: "Records a buy order based on the user's conviction level.",
validate: async (runtime: IAgentRuntime, message: Memory) => {
const text = (message.content as Content).text;
const tickerRegex = /\b[A-Z]{1,5}\b/g;
return tickerRegex.test(text);
// ... rest of implementation


Creating Custom Actions

  1. Implement the Action interface
  2. Define validation logic
  3. Implement handler functionality
  4. Provide usage examples


const customAction: Action = {
similes: ["SIMILAR_ACTION"],
description: "Action purpose",
validate: async (runtime: IAgentRuntime, message: Memory) => {
// Validation logic
return true;
handler: async (runtime: IAgentRuntime, message: Memory) => {
// Implementation
examples: [],

Testing Actions

Use the built-in testing framework:

test("Validate action behavior", async () => {
const message: Memory = {
content: { text: "Test message" },

const response = await handleMessage(runtime, message);
// Verify response

Core Concepts

Action Structure

interface Action {
name: string;
similes: string[];
description: string;
validate: (runtime: IAgentRuntime, message: Memory) => Promise<boolean>;
handler: (
runtime: IAgentRuntime,
message: Memory,
state?: State,
) => Promise<void>;
examples: ActionExample[][];
suppressInitialMessage?: boolean;

Key Components

  • name: Unique identifier for the action
  • similes: Alternative names/triggers for the action
  • description: Explains when and how the action should be used
  • validate: Determines if the action can be executed
  • handler: Implements the action's behavior
  • examples: Demonstrates proper usage patterns
  • suppressInitialMessage: When true, suppresses the initial response message before processing the action. Useful for actions that generate their own responses (like image generation)

Built-in Actions


Continues the conversation when appropriate:

const continueAction: Action = {
name: "CONTINUE",
"Used when the message requires a follow-up. Don't use when conversation is finished.",
validate: async (runtime, message) => {
// Validation logic
return true;
handler: async (runtime, message, state) => {
// Continuation logic


Stops responding to irrelevant or completed conversations:

const ignoreAction: Action = {
name: "IGNORE",
"Used when ignoring the user is appropriate (conversation ended, user is aggressive, etc.)",
handler: async (runtime, message) => {
return true;


Actively participates in a conversation:

const followRoomAction: Action = {
name: "FOLLOW_ROOM",
"Start following channel with interest, responding without explicit mentions.",
handler: async (runtime, message) => {
// Room following logic

Creating Custom Actions

Basic Action Template

const customAction: Action = {
description: "Detailed description of when and how to use this action",
validate: async (runtime: IAgentRuntime, message: Memory) => {
// Validation logic
return true;
handler: async (runtime: IAgentRuntime, message: Memory) => {
// Implementation logic
return true;
examples: [
user: "{{user1}}",
content: { text: "Trigger message" },
user: "{{user2}}",
content: { text: "Response", action: "CUSTOM_ACTION" },

Advanced Action Example

const complexAction: Action = {
description: "Process and analyze uploaded documents",
validate: async (runtime, message) => {
const hasAttachment = message.content.attachments?.length > 0;
const supportedTypes = ["pdf", "txt", "doc"];
return (
hasAttachment &&
handler: async (runtime, message, state) => {
const attachment = message.content.attachments[0];

// Process document
const content = await runtime

// Store in memory
await runtime.documentsManager.createMemory({
id: generateId(),
content: { text: content },
userId: message.userId,
roomId: message.roomId,

return true;

Implementation Patterns

State-Based Actions

const stateAction: Action = {
handler: async (runtime, message, state) => {
const newState = await runtime.composeState(message, {
additionalData: "new-data",

await runtime.updateState(newState);
return true;

Service Integration

const serviceAction: Action = {
handler: async (runtime, message) => {
const transcriptionService = runtime.getService<ITranscriptionService>(

const result = await transcriptionService.transcribe(

return true;

Best Practices

Action Design

  1. Clear Purpose

    • Single responsibility principle
    • Well-defined triggers
    • Clear success criteria
  2. Robust Validation

    • Check prerequisites
    • Validate input data
    • Handle edge cases
  3. Error Handling

    • Graceful failure
    • Meaningful error messages
    • State recovery

Example Organization

  1. Comprehensive Coverage
examples: [
// Happy path
// Edge cases
// Error cases
  1. Clear Context
examples: [
user: "{{user1}}",
content: {
text: "Context message showing why action is needed",
user: "{{user2}}",
content: {
text: "Clear response demonstrating action usage",
action: "ACTION_NAME",


Common Issues

  1. Action Not Triggering

    • Check validation logic
    • Verify similes list
    • Review example patterns
  2. Handler Failures

    • Validate service availability
    • Check state requirements
    • Review error logs
  3. State Inconsistencies

    • Verify state updates
    • Check concurrent modifications
    • Review state transitions

Advanced Features

Action Composition

const compositeAction: Action = {
handler: async (runtime, message) => {
// Process first action
await runtime.processAction("ANALYZE_CONTENT", message);

// Process second action
await runtime.processAction("GENERATE_RESPONSE", message);

return true;

Action Chains

const chainedAction: Action = {
name: "WORKFLOW",
handler: async (runtime, message) => {
const actions = ["VALIDATE", "PROCESS", "RESPOND"];

for (const actionName of actions) {
await runtime.processAction(actionName, message);

return true;

Example: Complete Action Implementation

import { Action, IAgentRuntime, Memory, State } from "@elizaos/core";

const documentAnalysisAction: Action = {
description: "Analyzes uploaded documents and provides insights",

validate: async (runtime: IAgentRuntime, message: Memory) => {
// Check for document attachment
if (!message.content.attachments?.length) {
return false;

// Verify document type
const attachment = message.content.attachments[0];
return ["pdf", "txt", "doc"].includes(attachment.type);

handler: async (runtime: IAgentRuntime, message: Memory, state?: State) => {
try {
// Get document service
const docService = runtime.getService<IDocumentService>(

// Process document
const content = await docService.processDocument(

// Store analysis
await runtime.documentsManager.createMemory({
id: generateId(),
content: {
text: content,
analysis: await docService.analyze(content),
userId: message.userId,
roomId: message.roomId,

return true;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Document analysis failed:", error);
return false;

examples: [
user: "{{user1}}",
content: {
text: "Can you analyze this document?",
attachments: [{ type: "pdf", url: "document.pdf" }],
user: "{{user2}}",
content: {
text: "I'll analyze that document for you",

Best Practices

  1. Validation

    • Thoroughly check input parameters
    • Verify runtime conditions
    • Handle edge cases
  2. Error Handling

    • Implement comprehensive error catching
    • Provide clear error messages
    • Clean up resources properly
  3. Documentation

    • Include clear usage examples
    • Document expected inputs/outputs
    • Explain error scenarios

Further Reading