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📦 Core Package


The Core Package (@elizaos/core) provides the fundamental building blocks of Eliza's architecture, handling essential functionalities like:

  • Memory Management & Semantic Search
  • Message Processing & Generation
  • Runtime Environment & State Management
  • Action & Evaluator Systems
  • Provider Integration & Context Composition
  • Service Infrastructure


pnpm add @elizaos/core

Key Components


The AgentRuntime class serves as the central nervous system of Eliza, orchestrating all major components:

import { AgentRuntime } from "@elizaos/core";

const runtime = new AgentRuntime({
// Core configuration
modelProvider: ModelProviderName.OPENAI,

// Extension points
plugins: [bootstrapPlugin, nodePlugin],
providers: [],
actions: [],
services: [],
managers: [],

// Optional settings
conversationLength: 32,
agentId: customId,
fetch: customFetch,

Key capabilities:

  • State composition and management
  • Plugin and service registration
  • Memory and relationship management
  • Action processing and evaluation
  • Message generation and handling

Memory System

The MemoryManager handles persistent storage and retrieval of context-aware information:

class MemoryManager implements IMemoryManager {
runtime: IAgentRuntime;
tableName: string;

// Create new memories with embeddings
async createMemory(memory: Memory, unique = false): Promise<void> {
if (!memory.embedding) {
memory.embedding = await embed(this.runtime, memory.content.text);

await this.runtime.databaseAdapter.createMemory(

// Semantic search with embeddings
async searchMemoriesByEmbedding(
embedding: number[],
opts: {
match_threshold?: number;
count?: number;
roomId: UUID;
unique?: boolean;
): Promise<Memory[]> {
return this.runtime.databaseAdapter.searchMemories({
tableName: this.tableName,
roomId: opts.roomId,
match_threshold: opts.match_threshold ?? 0.8,
match_count: opts.count ?? 10,
unique: opts.unique ?? false,

Context System

The context system manages state composition and template handling:

// Template composition
export const composeContext = ({
}: {
state: State;
template: string;
}): string => {
return template.replace(/{{\w+}}/g, (match) => {
const key = match.replace(/{{|}}/g, "");
return state[key] ?? "";

// Header handling
export const addHeader = (header: string, body: string): string => {
return body.length > 0 ? `${header ? header + "\n" : header}${body}\n` : "";

Action System

Actions define the available behaviors and responses:

interface Action {
name: string;
similes: string[];
description: string;
examples: MessageExample[][];

validate: (
runtime: IAgentRuntime,
message: Memory,
state?: State,
) => Promise<boolean>;

handler: (
runtime: IAgentRuntime,
message: Memory,
state?: State,
options?: any,
callback?: HandlerCallback,
) => Promise<void>;

// Example action implementation
const generateImageAction: Action = {
description: "Generate an AI image from text",

validate: async (runtime, message) => {
return (
!!runtime.getSetting("ANTHROPIC_API_KEY") &&

handler: async (runtime, message, state, options, callback) => {
const images = await generateImage(
{ prompt: message.content.text },

const captions = await Promise.all( =>
generateCaption({ imageUrl: image }, runtime),

text: "Generated images",
attachments:, i) => ({
id: crypto.randomUUID(),
url: image,
title: "Generated image",
description: captions[i].title,

Evaluation System

Evaluators assess messages and guide agent behavior:

interface Evaluator {
name: string;
similes: string[];
alwaysRun?: boolean;

validate: (
runtime: IAgentRuntime,
message: Memory,
state?: State,
) => Promise<boolean>;

handler: (runtime: IAgentRuntime, message: Memory) => Promise<void>;

// Example evaluator
const factEvaluator: Evaluator = {
similes: ["CHECK_FACTS"],
alwaysRun: true,

validate: async (runtime, message) => {
return message.content.text.includes("fact:");

handler: async (runtime, message) => {
const facts = await runtime.loreManager.searchMemories({
text: message.content.text,
threshold: 0.8,

if (facts.length > 0) {
await runtime.messageManager.createMemory({
content: {
text: `Verified fact: ${facts[0].content.text}`,
roomId: message.roomId,
userId: runtime.agentId,

State Management

The state system maintains conversation context and agent knowledge:

interface State {
// Agent identity
agentId: UUID;
agentName: string;
bio: string;
lore: string;
adjective?: string;

// Conversation context
senderName?: string;
actors: string;
actorsData: Actor[];
recentMessages: string;
recentMessagesData: Memory[];

// Objectives
goals: string;
goalsData: Goal[];

// Behavioral guidance
actions: string;
actionNames: string;
evaluators: string;
evaluatorNames: string;

// Additional context
providers: string;
attachments: string;
characterPostExamples?: string;
characterMessageExamples?: string;

Service Architecture

The core implements a service-based architecture:

// Service base class
class Service {
static serviceType: ServiceType;

async initialize(
device: string | null,
runtime: IAgentRuntime,
): Promise<void>;

// Service registry
class ServiceRegistry {
private services = new Map<ServiceType, Service>();

registerService(service: Service): void {
const type = (service as typeof Service).serviceType;
if ( {
console.warn(`Service ${type} already registered`);
}, service);

getService<T>(type: ServiceType): T | null {
return ( as T) || null;

Best Practices

Memory Management

// Use unique flags for important memories
await memoryManager.createMemory(memory, true);

// Search with appropriate thresholds
const similar = await memoryManager.searchMemoriesByEmbedding(embedding, {
match_threshold: 0.8,
count: 10,

// Clean up old memories periodically
await memoryManager.removeAllMemories(roomId, tableName);

State Composition

// Compose full state
const state = await runtime.composeState(message, {
additionalContext: "Custom context",

// Update with recent messages
const updatedState = await runtime.updateRecentMessageState(state);

// Add custom providers
state.providers = addHeader(
"# Additional Information",
await Promise.all( => p.get(runtime, message))).join("\n"),

Service Management

// Service initialization
class CustomService extends Service {
static serviceType = ServiceType.CUSTOM;

async initialize(device: string | null, runtime: IAgentRuntime) {
await this.setupDependencies();
await this.validateConfig();
await this.connect();

async cleanup() {
await this.disconnect();
await this.clearResources();

// Service registration
runtime.registerService(new CustomService());

// Service usage
const service = runtime.getService<CustomService>(ServiceType.CUSTOM);

Error Handling

Implement proper error handling throughout:

try {
await runtime.processActions(message, responses, state);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof TokenError) {
await this.refreshToken();
} else if (error instanceof DatabaseError) {
await this.reconnectDatabase();
} else {
console.error("Unexpected error:", error);
throw error;

Advanced Features

Custom Memory Types

// Create specialized memory managers
class DocumentMemoryManager extends MemoryManager {
constructor(runtime: IAgentRuntime) {
tableName: "documents",
useCache: true,

async processDocument(doc: Document): Promise<void> {
const chunks = await splitChunks(doc.content);

for (const chunk of chunks) {
await this.createMemory({
content: { text: chunk },
metadata: {
section: chunk.section,

Enhanced Embeddings

// Advanced embedding handling
async function enhancedEmbed(
runtime: IAgentRuntime,
text: string,
opts: {
model?: string;
dimensions?: number;
pooling?: "mean" | "max";
): Promise<number[]> {
// Get cached embedding if available
const cached = await runtime.databaseAdapter.getCachedEmbeddings({
query_input: text,
query_threshold: 0.95,

if (cached.length > 0) {
return cached[0].embedding;

// Generate new embedding
return embed(runtime, text, opts);

State Persistence

class StateManager {
async saveState(state: State): Promise<void> {
await this.runtime.databaseAdapter.createMemory(
content: {
type: "state",
data: state,
roomId: state.roomId,
userId: state.agentId,

async loadState(roomId: UUID): Promise<State | null> {
const states = await this.runtime.databaseAdapter.getMemories({
tableName: "states",
count: 1,

return states[0]? || null;